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Sparks fly at Qalipu Chief Debate: Watch

Qalipu Chief Candidates L-R: Brendan Mitchell, Geoff Sparkes, Peggy White and Odelle Pike

The race for Qalipu First Nation Band Chief is heating up as 4 candidates descended upon the historic Bennett Hall in Corner Brook, Newfoundland on October 12, 2021 for a debate event hosted by Mi’kmaq Matters. Often chaotic and lively, the debate gave insight into the platforms of each candidate and the complicated history of the Qalipu Band and its precursor the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.

The Candidates Engage Each Other

The debate commenced and concluded with the opening and closing statements of each candidate vying for the top leadership position in the largest First Nation Band in the country. It was between those statements that tension could be felt between members of the group as each candidate was challenged on their positions.

The biggest elephant in the room was the enrolment process which has left over 80,000 applicants rejected in the wake of the Supplemental Agreement in 2013. At one point in the debate, an audience member asked two of the candidates if they had voted for the supplemental agreement. The only candidate who had was the incumbent-Chief Brendan Mitchell who sought to defend his vote towards the agreement.

The debate often got personal as some candidates were accused of not knowing enough about the inner workings of the Qalipu band as well as the complicated history that led to family running against each other in this election (Mitchell and Sparkes are first cousins and great grandsons of Mi’kmaq guide and prospector Mattie Mitchell).

Voters have a full week to cast their online or phone-in ballot for chief, vice-chief and councillor from October 14th to the 22nd.

The Candidates

Peggy White

Current Chief of Three Rivers Mi’kmaq Band who holds a Master of Law in Indigenous People, Law, and Policy. She has been involved with Mi’kmaq legal supports since 2011.

Geoff Sparkes

Son of prominent Federation of Newfoundland Indians member and Newfoundland Mi’kmaq advocate Marie (Mitchell) Sparkes. The Corner Brook firefighter is the great-grandson of Mi’kmaq prospector Mattie Mitchell.

Brendan Mitchell

Current Qalipu First Nation Band Chief, a position he has held for the last two terms, and great-grandson of Mi’kmaq prospector Mattie Mitchell.

Odelle Pike

Founding member of the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network (NAWN) and prominent volunteer and Mi’kmaq community advocate based out of the Stephenville area.



Newfoundland Mi'kmaq men John Hinx and Stephen Bernard, 1905.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Leonard

    Nobody shows up because there are no people who are ..not to be mean .. no one who are giving the opportunity to voice their opinion. A council of people are making all the decisions. Bring the confidential vote to the community. Not leave it to a council to read minds . A majority is the nations responsibility…not a select few friends!

  2. sylviaough(Webb)

    My name is Sylvia Frances Ough(Webb) I listen to the rebate on the candidates running for Chief I really liked what Peggy White had to say I feel she would be excellent chief she cares about what happens to the people she is right about the next generations is not having a lot of children so we need the ones left out restated so our generations can continue and the elders to help them and not all about education the money going too the elders need it now we want someone we can trust and be there for the people so right now I see Peggy White but am not able to vote with the 10,500 hundred that got thrown to the curb that start d the band the original ones you have lost them so it will be less natives and it the band will die out you need us to be in the band we are never giving up will fight to the very last breath in our body Thank you this is how I feel broken hearted about my ancestors they were our backbone who made us who we are Truth and Honesty and to carry on our tradition of a true native which was breaded in us since birth Thank you

  3. Calvin combdon

    Peggy White was the only articulate candidate.
    Vote PEGGY WHITE, she knows what she is doing.

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